Transformational Breath

Transformational Breath

What is Transformational Breath?

Transformational Breath® is a self empowering healing modality. It uses a specific breathing pattern along with complementary techniques to open restrictions in the Respiratory System. Transformational Breath® is not just another breathing technique, but it is a powerful way to permanently remove restrictions in our breathing pattern, giving us access to more oxygen, energy and vitality.  Transformational Breath® works on three levels; physically opening, mentally and emotionally integrating and spiritually connecting.

First, the Physical Level: The majority of people are using less than 50% of their breathing capacity. Scientific studies have shown that we receive 75% or more of our energy needs from breathing and 70% of our toxins are released through the process of breathing! Many diseases are anaerobic diseases, ones that thrive in oxygen deprived environments. These alone are worthy reasons to spend some time clearing the restrictions in our breath and learning how our bodies were designed to breath.  With the use of Transformational Breath® we open these restrictions in our breathing apparatus and, as a result, have an increased amount of oxygen and prana available for our bodies. Leading to more vibrant health and wellbeing.

Second, the Mental/Emotional Level: We radiate the light of our being as brightly as our limiting beliefs, suppressed and repressed emotions, and judgments will allow. The breathing pattern we use in Transformational Breath® creates a high vibration energy field that, through the principle of entrainment, permanently integrates unconscious patterns, energy blocks and past trauma. Once integrated, the energy used to hold these old patterns in place is freed up, enabling us to do the things we choose to do with more peace, joy and ease.     

Third, the Spiritual Level: By integrating parts of the subconscious mind we create the space to connect more deeply to our spiritual nature. This increased spiritual connection and awareness adds a rich depth and purpose of our lives, allowing us to live our lives from a blissful centered place. Even one breath session can have a deep impact on our lives.

The Benefits of Transformational Breath

Health and Vitality

Practice makes perfect

  • Increases access to the entire respiratory system.
  • Increases oxygenation throughout the body
  • Improves energy levels
  • Stimulates circulation
  • Balances the flow of energy through the body
  • Assists in resolving addictions
  • Supports detoxification of the body. 
  • Enhances our ability to respond to many conditions and ailments such as stress, respiratory ailments, headaches, low energy, psychosomatic illnesses, anaerobic diseases, and others.

Improved Mental and Emotional States

  • Reduces anxiety and worry
  • Increases awareness of self-sabotaging patterns
  • Integrates past traumas and unhealthy beliefs structures.
  • Promotes joy
  • Relieves depressive and negative emotions
  • Improves self-esteem
Emotional Benefits
Breath & Spirit

Spiritual Connection

  • Deepens meditation
  • Expands awareness
  • Develops spiritual gifts
  • Allows fuller expression of love and joy
  • Strengthens the connection with your Higher Consciousness

Each Transformational Breath session unfolds in its own unique way, yet each session includes these common components:


Before we begin a session we support you in formulating an Intention for the session. These intentions are a way guide the session. To align with Source for a high vibrational outcome. So that any un-integrated beliefs or patterns that limit us can be integrated during the session

Diaphramatic Circular Breathing

The respiratory diaphragm is our main breathing muscle. Circular means breathing in and out without pausing. When we use our “diaphragm” to breath, in and out without pausing, we connect with the most powerful force we have for personal transformation.​


Toning is a way we use our own voice to make sound. This sound has a clear vibration that promotes the flow of energy and helps to integrate restrictions in our breathing pattern.

Body Positioning and Movement

We use positioning and specific movements to help free up trapped energy and encourage a more full and relaxed breath.

Body Mapping

Body Mapping is a system that uses informed touch to locate and release restrictions in the breathing apparatus. As we release restrictions in our breathing pattern there is more space for new possibilities.


We use affirmations to help support the formation of a new pattern of the highest possibility.


We use music to support our journey.


Invocations are statements made near the beginning and end of each session to guide and support a perfect session and provide a strong connection with our own highest self and to give thanks for a perfect session.


What people say?

“I recently attended a Transformational Breathing workshop with Blake and Kristi at the Be Free Center, and I must say it was one of the most well-held experiences I’ve ever attended. The care and of these two beautiful people, both during the breathing sessions and throughout the entire weekend, was absolutely superlative. The support, knowledge, amazing food(!), and warm caring presence of these two is a thing to behold. I highly recommend Blake, Kristi, and the Be Free Center for any workshops, retreats or classes. Don’t miss out on this experience. It’s amazing!”
Adam Turner
Adam Turner
It is so beautiful that Kristi and Blake have dedicated their lives to sharing this amazing work with the folks in this community. Transformational Breath started making me feel calmer and more centered and balanced after the first session, and each week I go a little deeper. I actually experience true bliss. I look forward to Mondays now! I have tried so many other ways to tap into the divine that did not really work for me. This does. I am so grateful to these folks.
Debbie C.
“I had been suffering from autoimmune illness and extreme fatigue that had been building up over the past few years and getting worse. I didn’t think I could do the entire workshop due to my health state, so I only signed up for Friday night and Saturday. After Saturday I felt I had been immersed in a meditation retreat for a week, I felt in the present moment, spacious and at one with everything. I was no longer struggling, seeing through the illusion, in a state of deep compassion for myself and others.”
Testimonial for Transformational Breath Katie K
Katie Kelley
Yoga Healing Arts
“I participated in a Transformational Breath® weekend April 2016. I have been doing this work for 22 years and it was my first time participating in a weekend in a very long time and my first at The Be Free Center. What a beautiful, beautiful space!! Blake and Kristi are not only lovely, kind hearted welcoming hosts, but the facilitation is outstanding! I had a couple of huge break throughs within myself and I am grateful for all the love and support I received.” with love and gratitude….Lorna
Lorna Tobin
Lorna Tobin

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